Goodbye Summer, Hello Labor Day Sale! Enjoy Blowout Prices on 2023 Skis & Boards!

HEY BUD! TAHOE DAVE’S ANNUAL LABOR DAY TENT SALE… …IS HAPPENING SEPTEMBER 2-4… at our Tahoe City Ski Shop & Snowboard Shop! For those of you looking for the best possible deals before the winter season starts, our 2023 Demo Ski & Snowboard Fleet will be at our lowest prices yet!   Not sure what you…

Goodbye Summer, Hello Labor Day Sale! Enjoy Blowout Prices on 2022 Skis & Boards!

HEY BUD! TAHOE DAVE’S ANNUAL LABOR DAY TENT SALE… …IS HAPPENING SEPTEMBER 3-5… at our Tahoe City Ski Shop & Snowboard Shop! For those of you looking for the best possible deals before the winter season starts, our 2020 Demo Ski & Snowboard Fleet will be at our lowest prices yet!   Not sure what you want? We’ve got you…

Winter is HERE! ❄️ A Letter From Dave… what to expect during the holidays!

  HEY BUD, Snow is falling and winter is here! ….And while we are excited for another great season of renting FUN, we want to make sure that you’re prepared for what’s ahead not only in our shops, but around town and at the resorts. YES! ….The snow, the mountains, and the adventures are all here,…

Kids’ Seasonal Rentals Start Saturday, October 2nd in Tahoe City & Truckee! ? Come in for preseason DEALS & the BEST availability!

      Watching your kids improve every year is AWESOME! …not having to purchase new equipment every year is even better! PLUS with our season lease program, you can even exchange sizes throughout the season as they grow!     SKI PACKAGES start as low as $125* BOARD PACKAGES start as low as $160*   *After $50…

A Letter From Dave

HEY BUD, While we are excited for another winter of renting FUN, we want to make sure that you’re prepared for what’s ahead not only in our shops, but around town and at the resorts. Yes… the mountains, fresh air and outdoors are HERE… but so are the crowds. So while my staff and I…

LAST CALL for Kids’ Seasonal Rentals is December 18!

HEY BUDS… Due to high demand, Tahoe Dave’s has made the decision to discontinue our 2020.21 Kids’ Seasonal Rentals after December 18! ••• STILL NEED TO RENT GEAR FOR YOUR KIDS? PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: All Kids’ Seasonal Rentals MUST be done in person – we DO NOT accept kids’ seasonal rentals over the phone,…

Goodbye Summer, Hello Labor Day Sale! Enjoy Blowout Prices on 2020 Skis & Boards!

HEY BUD! TAHOE DAVE’S ANNUAL LABOR DAY TENT SALE… …is happening September 5th-7th at our Tahoe City Ski Shop & Snowboard Shop! For those of you looking for the best possible deals before the winter season starts, our 2020 Demo Ski & Snowboard Fleet will be at our lowest prices yet!   Not sure what you want? We’ve got you covered, Bud! Give us…

Warren Miller’s ‘Face of Winter’ Premiere | Friday, November 23rd & Saturday, November 24th

What better way to kick off the season than with the premiere of WARREN MILLER’S ‘FACE OF WINTER’! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! There are so many “faces of winter”, from your buddies you ski with, to the lifties, ski patrol, ski school, the little groms ripping around the mountain and the unknown skiers sharing the lift…